Sunday 24 January 2016

Cinnamon Toast Crunch XXL Treat Bar (American Soda)

Today's post is concerning another purchase from American Soda -the Cinnamon Toast Crunch XXL treat bar. I fell in love with the General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal when visiting America three years ago, and I still miss it now. Somehow the British (Nestle) Version 'Curiously Cinnamon' just doesn't cut the mustard, and my longing for the state-side version led to this purchase.

Stupidly, I wasn't quite expecting the XXL to be the absolute whopper it truly was. It was quite some feat to get my chops around the bar, but once I did, it was true to its name and had a satisfying crunch. Given that there was no best-before date on the packet, and the amount of miles it had travelled to reach me, I was unsure as to how fresh it would be - but it didn't taste remotely stale. 

The cinnamon was strong and sweet, but the confectionery coating adorning the bar toppled it into the realm of being overwhelmingly saccharine. By the end, I'm sure my jaw ached from the sheer amount of sugar and chewing it had to contend with.

The Cinnamon Toast Crunch XXL bar was true-to form -but probably best saved for those in need of a sugar rush with an excessively sweet tooth. 


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