Saturday 11 June 2016

Peanut Butter & Salted Caramel Ice Creams (ASDA)

I am gutted. Absolutely gutted. One of my lovely readers asked me to review ASDA's new peanut butter ice cream cones. So why would that make me sad I hear you ask? I love peanut butter after all! Well, our local ASDA is not stocking them. Utter heresy. She did however point out that the supermarket also makes peanut butter ice cream sticks (fake Magnums if you will), and I could try them instead. I have seen them in store before, but I'd always given them a wide berth, particularly given that Magnum have now created their own DOUBLE pb ice cream. How could the supermarket version be anywhere near as good? 

"Ice cream with peanut butter, milk chocolate and salted caramel sauce, with roasted peanuts"

Well it turns out that they can! The chocolate wasn't the best I've tasted but it was good quality considering its primary use as the ice cream's vessel. There were peanut pieces aplenty which hadn't gone stale and retained a satisfying crunch.

But was the ice cream peanut buttery? Hallelujah, yes it was! Praise be the peanut butter gods! It was even more nutty than Magnum's effort -and I thought Magnum were meant to be the top dog in the ice cream stick world. They're also a lot larger than Magnums, at 100ml compared to 88ml. Half way down I realised that the nuttiness had lost out to the salted caramel sauce which rippled through the ice cream. It was sufficiently saline though, providing a perfect balance between salty and sweet.

Scrum-diddly-umptious. Fellow peanut butter nuts please give these ASDA ice creams a go and let me know what you think! Do you also prefer them to Magnum?



  1. You have to try Tesco's salted caramel ice cream sticks (not the normal caramel ones).... You will be in heaven. I must have 4 a week :o)

    1. They're on my hit list! Tesco's cookie crumble ice creams also look incredible, have you tried them?

  2. I haven't managed to track the cookie crumble ones down yet (and I must have tried 10 stores) but they look really good. I tried the hazelnut ones though and they are only so so.
