Wednesday 2 November 2016

Aussie Bodies Mini Protein FX Bars (Home Bargains)

I spotted these tiny protein bars about six weeks ago in Boots. Coming in at less than 100cals eac and packing roughly 8-9g of protein, I thought that they might make suitable handbag 'in case of emergency' snacks. There were a number of flavours available, all of which sounded rather good, but then I looked at the £1.49 price point and decided against them. It was a good job really as a week or so later I saw the entire range in Home Bargains priced at just 39p each, well how's that for a sign?

"Aussie Bodies Protein FX Lo Carb Minis are a delicious, ultra-low calorie chocolate bars contain only 2g of carbohydrates, at a super compact 30g, this is one Mini that delivers maxi-satisfaction with all the protein and fibre you need to keep hunger at bay.
Protein FX Lo Carb Mini's features:
  • Super handy 30g compact size
  • Enjoy as a low carb snack between meals or as an after dinner treat
  • Naturally rich, chocolaty taste experience
  • Only 2g of carbohydrates per bar
  • Contains NO Sucralose, Aspartame or Acesulphame K."
I decided to try the choc raspberry and salted caramel after my workout this afternoon. I was impressed by how chocolatey they both appeared, but could instantly tell that they would be chewy thanks to their density. How would they taste though?

Absolutely awful, that's what. They were both so synthetic tasting that they immediately turned my stomach. I immediately whacked them in the microwave so see if I turn them into something more edible.

No, I couldn't. I had committed to them, so gulped them down with a mug of coffee. but they were a chore ato eat and far from enjoyable. What annoyed me more was that I had forewent my planned Reflex White Chocolate and Raspberry Ripple protein bar when I went to my cupboard and remembered the Aussie Bodies bars. The other three are going in the bin, and I never throw food away!

Thankfully I've got a slice of Twix Cheesecake tonight to make it up to my poor abused taste-buds. 

Approximate macros per bar: P9/C9/F3 



  1. Yep ... I actually bought one 'on offer' for 99p in boots ... absolutely foul 😷😷😷

    1. I'm glad it's not just me who thinks so. They're awful! 😷
