Thursday, 22 September 2016

NEW! Maple Crunch Doughnut (Krispy Kreme)

There's many benefits to living in one of the most rural counties in the country. For example there's the quietness, the greenness, the generally slower pace of life and low crime levels. Then there's the downsides; the tractors that cause many a fit of road rage, the failing infrastructure (there's one bridge across the river that splits the city and no bypass) and of course the lack of Krispy Kreme & Hotel Chocolat within an hours drive.

Now the last point could in fact be viewed as a positive one, for it means that I'm not often tempted to spend vast amounts of money on the new & delicious looking seasonal treats in either store.

Still, a work trip to Birmingham yesterday on the train left enough time between connections to pop into Krispy Kreme and treat myself to one of their new doughnuts. I love a good Krispy Kreme, and indeed the last one I had was in place of my birthday cake back in March. Certainly a long enough wait!

You might be surprised that I didn't opt for the Reese's PB&J or Nutella filled doughnuts, and that it was the gold flecked Maple Crunch that called to me instead. Let me explain for why. I adore maple syrup, more so than the golden variety or honey, and it just about pips caramel too (unless we're talking about the core in Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra -nothing beats that). Its deep, woody flavour balances out its sweetness, and I'm forever wishing that the UK would embrace the Canadian syrup more.

"Hand-dipped in maple icing and sprinkled with maple flavour crunch and a sparkle of gold dust."

I can assure you that the doughnut looked even more impressive lined up on the shelves in the Krispy Kreme. Before it underwent a slight (but unavoidable) battering on the journey home, the icing was smooth and proudly displayed a generous dusting of golden flecks.

I won't be moving home soon as. I've decided that I'm glad there's no KKs  or Tesco with doughnut cabinets closer to home. The doughnut was soft, fluffy and light despite the characteristic deep fried flavour penetrating the sweet dough. As for the maple icing, it was every bit as flavourful as I'd hoped, and was thick enough to coat the ring without making it too sickly*.There was a slight crunchiness to it, and admittedly a tad more would've made the texture slightly more interesting. Even so it was pretty damn fabulous. 

If you need further convincing, check out Nib's review of the Maple crunch and S'mores doughnut here


*I would still suggest that the doughnut is best enjoyed with a big mug of coffee -which is why I trekked it home & resisted munching it on the train home.


  1. Hi Amy
    Have you seen this .....

    Zoe x

    1. I hadn't but I NEED IT! £12.50 for an advent calendar though.. I might have to make my own 🤔 xx
