Thursday 3 December 2015

Peanut Butter Twix (49p at B&M Bargains)

Can you imagine my excitement as a peanut-butter-mad-bargain-hunting-chocoholic when I found this American Peanut Butter Twix sat on the shelf in B&M bargains priced at a paltry 49p? It made my week (yes I'm that sad!) but I've wanted to try this bar for so long!

I was possibly even more excited when I read on the packet that it contains real peanut butter- nothing else compares to the real deal!

I opened the Twix and it looked near on identical to our British standard Twix. When I snapped it in half however, there was a solid peanut butter layer where the caramel normally sits. It was a similar firm consistency to the centre of a Reese's PB cup (or tree)

Flavour wise, the peanut butter was powerful, and at first I thought it overwhelmed the other components, but as I became accustomed to the nuttiness I could appreciate how well balanced it truly was. The chocolate was better quality than Reese's and the biscuit layer added a wonderful crunch which meant that altogether the three tiers worked in perfect harmony.

I adored the peanut butter Twix ,so i quick-stepped it back to B&M to stock up before they disappear....


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