Wednesday 30 March 2016

NEW! Birds Eye Cinnamon Waffles (Morrisons)

Captain Birds Eye has turned all sweet on us. Well, breakfasty-sweet anyway. The Frozen Food manufacturer has launched a range of bakery items this spring -namely croissants, pancakes and (non-potato) waffles. I've read a couple of less-than-amorous reviews about the chocolate chip pancakes, but I spotted the 'Try Me Free!' banner across the top of the new packs and decided to give the cinnamon waffles a whirl. I figured that I had nothing to lose -save the price of a postage stamp to get my £1.79 refund!

The box contained 8 waffles, but I was slightly disappointed to discover that they didn't come individually wrapped. If you're an eco-warrior this might sound like good news, but I hate food going stale -although, saying that, they should keep well as they're frozen! 

The packaging tells me that they can be heated either in the toaster or under the grill, but suggests the former method for best results. Being the good girl I (sometimes am, I popped my waffle in the toaster for a couple of minutes until it started to brown, and poured on a good slug of maple syrup.

The waffle was lighter than expected, both in terms of weight and texture. It was very airy, with a punchy cinnamon flavour that was well balanced against the sweetness. I can't remember the last time I ate waffles, so I'm afraid I can't make a clear comparison to the fresh variety, but I enjoyed the soft, cakey treat and wondered how it would fair paired with ice cream, hmm...

I was hoping that the ice cream would melt slightly and ooze into the waffle's pores but the waffle went cold too quickly and I didn't get the outcome that I'd hoped for. It was still yummy though (especially with the addition of choc shot), and even my cinnamon-hating other half enjoyed his.

I don't think I'll regularly buy the new Birds Eye waffles, but they make a nice change to my normal desserts. If you're on the fence about their new range remember that you can 'try them for free' at the moment!


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