
About Me

Hello, and welcome fellow foodie! 

So you want to know a little more about me? Well... where to start. Food, social media and fitness make me tick. I had a career change a few years ago and so although I'm approaching 30 I'm currently at university in my final year of a Advertising, Marketing & PR degree. I live in rural Herefordshire with my long-suffering fiance Bert and our gorgeous golden retriever Monty. When I'm not studying or working (as a part-time social media & digital manager) I enjoy working out, spending far too much time on Instagram and eating a lot of yummy food. I must be 90% chocolate, ice cream and peanut butter by now...

Seeking out new and/or interesting food products is a personal passion, and the reason why I created this blog. Sharing is caring and all that.

This blog is my outlet for writing honest reviews and sharing my opinions on my finds with fellow foodies. Comments and suggestions are always welcome! 

You can also find me on:

Twitter: @seeksnewtreats 
Instagram: @amyseeksnewtreats

Alternatively please contact me via email:

Thanks for stopping by!

Amy xx


  1. Nice blog, came across it, looking up the magnum double peanut chocolate bar.

  2. Hi, I stumbled across your blog trying to find a photo of M&S Spiced Carrot Muffins (utterly divine creations!). I've ended up reading most of your posts, many out loud to my other half, laughing so often at your descriptions. I kept commenting how adept you are at writing such excellent reviews. I decided to look at this "About Me" section and see that your a PR et al student. IMHO you're going to go a long way! Just about to follow you on instagram so I'm kept uptodate. Keep up the great work :)

    1. I can't express how much your lovely comments mean to me, you've just made my day. Thank you so much, and yes please do come and say hello on Instagram! :)

  3. Hi Amy,

    First of all, thank you so much for all the efforts you put into your reviews. I am a gym fanatic and love food much like yourself so I check your website almost daily to see what I can try on my high carb days. Being a quite recent reader, I've gone back on your old reviews and see if your scores match up to mine and I think we have very similar tastebuds aka the love for peanut butter. I MUST thank you for your recent review on the salted peanut & caramel ice cream from sainsbury's because I didn't even notice it until you reviewed it and now it's a staple in my dessert section of the freezer.

    Thank you again and keep up the amazing work!


    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my reviews Anthony, and for leaving me such lovely feedback. I'm pleased to hear that your tastebuds are in agreeable with mine, and that I'm not the only one now addicted to the Sainsbury's ice cream!

  4. Hi just found your blog - thank you for giving me a few tips on new treats and a reason not to stay on the diet
    keep up with your honest and v helpful reviews of all sweet treats

    1. Thank you for your kind words! Sorry about the diet though.... ;)
