
Monday 8 February 2016

Rhythym 108 Lemon Cake Dessert Bar (Amazon)

Today marks the second instalment in Rhythm 108 Dessert Bar reviews. As I mentioned last year when reviewing Portlebay's popcorn, I tend to eat my foods in the order of least to most favourite, so I was really looking forward to trying this bar (last week the Apple Pie bar scored a whopping 9/10). 


Lemon Drizzle cake has to be up there with the best of British cakes -a true classic that balances sweet and tartness to perfection. So fond are we of the afternoon treat that it has held the  position of highest rated recipe on BBC Good Food's website for as long as I can remember. The best part of a good lemon drizzle cake for is the delightful crunch of it's sugary topping, and so I wondered how it would translate into a healthy bar (that contains no added sugar). 

As with the Apple Pie version, this bar is rich in calcium, high in fibre & protein, and is suitable for coeliacs thanks to its absence of gluten. I heated it up in the microwave for twenty seconds which helped the bar to release its citussy scent. The texture was perfectly moist, with a good crunch coming from the chunky cashews and almonds. Unfortunately however, the taste was all wrong. Instead of achieving the sweet/tart balance that the drizzle cake is renowned for, all I could taste was the sour pith of the lemon which rendered it rather unpleasant. Now, I know I've got a sweet tooth so perhaps this is one for those who like super sour sweets, but it really wasn't for me. Sorry Rhythm 108!


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